Friday, June 20, 2014

Summer Solstice Eve

The night before the summer solstice. An interesting night for me. I never fully know what to expect for the weather, so it always ends up changing what plans I put in place to honor mid-summer. A day to celebrate the Sun God in all his bright glory. The light has triumphed over the dark, be it ever so fleeting, and we reach the longest day and shortest night. Gardens are blooming and thriving from the heat and power of the Sun. But not only do we see and get to enjoy the power of the sun, but we see the glory of the Goddess, Mother Nature or Gaia. We get to see her grow with all her bounty. Thriving, with some love and nurturing. It shows us what we should be doing in our daily life. That is what makes this path so special to me. If you take time to witness what truly happens in nature, especially among the "uncivilized" or "unintelligent," we can see interactions and truly living.

So as we enter into this day. I'm looking forward to some of my own moments. I will honor the earth and all her glory. I will spend some time in my garden, seeing what is coming with the upcoming harvest. Working barefoot to enjoy feeling the earth and connecting. Feeling the energy and power of the Earth flowing up. Connecting!

The plans for the late afternoon and evening are even more connecting. My family and I will be hiking up into the mountains, and camping out. We have not plans to stay at a campground with many people. But heading into the state forest, along the hiking trails to, and camp along the lake. We will enjoy dinner by the fire and sit out by that for the evening. Once the little ones are in bed, I'll enjoy a night under the stars before curling in with my husband and kids in our tent. Listening to the night noises, only to awake to the sound of dawn, on the water in the woods. Now that....that sounds like a perfect way to honor the summer solstice!!

Blessings to all on this night! Hope you all have an enjoyable and magical Summer Solstice!!

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